


太極拳有多種器械可供練習。 了解不同類型及其特點, 將會對練習者的水平有所幫助及提高。


太極劍是太極拳兵器之一, 它集合了太極拳及劍術的風格特點。

太極劍同樣與太極拳一樣, 心靜體清, 以意導體, 以體領劍。劍是輕型兵器動作皆以輕靈圓活為主, 練習要體會通過弧線圓圈銜接動作, 以身帶劍, 反覆練習細心體會,使之自然融合以達到圓活、圓妙之境界。

由於太極劍首重意念, 所有動作都須以心意引領, 因此對神經及大腦有很好鍛練效果。



太極刀傳統又稱太極十三刀, 是太極拳械中的重要器械之一, 其套路既保持刀法的各種基本要求,如劈、掛、撩、砍等等, 其動作勇猛、矯健之中,更有太極拳身法中柔和的要求。表現出其剛柔相濟、快慢相間的效果。練習太極刀可以身心都有强壯用。


槍為武術常用兵器之一, 被稱為長兵之帥, 百兵之王。由上古矛戈發展演變而成。

而太極槍是在原有槍術的基礎上如攔、拿、扎等基本槍法再加上太極拳的要求。練習太極槍由於需要許多小圈變化及大面積的橫掃等等靈活多變的動作, 對身體素質的鍛煉很好的效果, 而且由於身體與槍須要高度的吻合融為一體才能做到自如掌控和指揮手中槍, 因此要加大意念的練習, 所以對精神心意等方面都有很好的效果。


太極太桿是太極拳功力訓練最好的器械, 桿長八尺以上, 有單人及雙人練習, 雙人練習可通過黏桿打圈等動作,訓練勁力及聽覺。單練時既可單練打圈及抖桿等各種動作的訓練, 亦可練習十三桿的套路。
大桿是練習太極拳很重要的器械之一, 對體素質、體能及發勁都有很大幫助。



The sword is the ultimate test of balance with high one legged poses, low stances and coordination of the sword hand with an open chest posture to leverage the opposing movement from the other hand.  The use of the sword requires a subtle dexterity to the handling and wielding of power which requires time to master.


The sabre leverages a lot of physics.  To use the tip in a thrust, it requires a recoil and lunge of the body.  To use the one sharp edge, a lot of power must be amassed.  To do this, using a circular and spin move that leverages centrifugal force is the key to extending the power of our body without prematurely exhausting our muscle power.



The spear requires many small and large sweeping and circular motions.  It demands agility as well as strength when wielding the spear.  We train to work with the weight and energy of the spear extending beyond the boundaries of our body.  We practice a combination of small and large circular motions and thrust motions that require a dexterity and focus to be able to fully extend the arms and spear with steady accuracy.




Holding a pole in an extended position requires a complete body connection of the arms through the core and to the legs which must be firmly planted to the ground.  Pure strength alone won’t be enough for the practitioner to perform the exercises.